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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Navy Vet Author Writes About that other Anton Myrer Miniseries "The Last Convertible" -- Any interest out there?

I just received the following correspondence. Before I attempt to get this miniseries released on DVD, I need to demonstrate public/consumer interest. If you want to see "The Last Convertible" released, post your comment here. -- Tom

Hi, Tom

We exchanged emails when you were still working hard on your amazing four year quest to bring back the wonderful "Once An Eagle" miniseries.

I am the retired Navy pilot and writer who had corresponded with Anton Myrer for years in the 1970s about his books and the writing life. I was even able to visit Myrer and his wife once at Saugerties. I consider his letters a treasure.

Having considered Myrer's OTHER WWII epic, "The Last Convertible" in the same class as OAE, I wonder if you knew that it was also made into an excellent miniseries in roughly the same timeframe -- and has been similarly "disappeared" since its first showing (though, like OAE, poor quality pirate copies are available, one of which I have). Would you consider starting another project to rescue this gem from the vaults? I ask because, like OAE, the Convertible miniseries is all about the longstanding values that made our country great. When in our long history as a republic have we ever needed our people to be reminded of those values more than today? Also, having succeeded at your OAE project, you now presumedly know the best way to proceed in such an effort. If successful, you also have the website, blog and online selling process already established to sell Convertible.

Tony Myrer strongly encouraged me to write about MY war -- Vietnam -- which I have yet to do but will one day. The time he took to criticize several of my short stories and to clinically describe the challenges he found himself in writing novels incurred a debt I can never repay. But I have written two books as I now approach my third and final retirement in December -- "Seahawk : Confessions of an Old Hockey Goalie (www.ryeseahawks.com) in 2008, set just post-WWII, which has done well in national bookstores and on Amazon -- and "Rye Harbor : Poems of the New Hampshire Seacoast" in 2010, which has sold well locally in northern New England. A third book -- "The Flying Frenchmen : The REAL Hockeytown USA" will be in publication in early 2011. Anton Myrer remains my silent guide in my writing.

Should you decide to pursue "Convertible" as you have "Eagle" -- a goal that I feel would be almost as worthy as OAE -- I believe you will have done an great service to Myrer, grateful movielovers and to your country.

Sincere regards & thanks for your uncommon success with OAE,


Bruce Valley

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